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Le blog mirifique de l'ami des gens
6 septembre 2007

Bienvenue en Mirifie

Ok people I know I have been out a long long time.

I could pretend I have plenty of excuses (wich is for once true) but I won't. Well actually I will. So sorry but I have been over busy lately.

So what are the news. Well I just (ok not just it was monday eve) got back from aviemore in scotland where I had a wonderful time.

You know this kind of week end that makes you think the working day in between are rubbish.

Anyway It was fabulous. The weather (I actually have pictures of scotland with a blue sky how cool is that), the people, the "little cottage", the trails, the girls (ok not that many, but it was nice anyway :d), the race, the pre race, the post race. Well it was a fabulous moment to be honest.

To bad the world campionship only happened once a year :( that is toooo bad.

Looking forward to the next one, but it might get a bit tricky to get there as it's going to be in nappa valley in california.

But then who said I am put down by the challenges ;-)

chouette ! 1 bise bilingue !!!! :D
@Seb<br /> Y'a bien un S a girls ;)<br /> <br /> Et c'était un championnat de VTT à une vitesse de la balle atomique :d<br /> <br /> @Gael<br /> <br /> Non tout le monde est le bienvenu sur mon blog :d<br /> <br /> Promi sj'essaye de faire both français et anglais ;)<br /> <br /> La bise :d
la vache ! il est tout en anglais ton blog ! :(<br /> moi qui revait de le decouvrir .... mon anglais est trop mauvais :( ....<br /> <br /> c'est que pour les ceusses qui ont fait des etudes !
Ola amigo,<br /> je suis de retour sur la toile. Tu reviens du "campionnat du monde de vélo???" ou plutôt championnat??? et sinon c'était quoi? vtt? route? autre? <br /> Tu as raison l'Ecosse c'est magnifique! surtout les highlands... mmmh... cela me rappelle quelques bons souvenirs...<br /> <br /> Et pour finir avoue, ya bien pas de s a girls :D
pff eho hein. non mais oh dirais je même plus. ah du vélo ? dans ce cas c'est génial, youpi.